Budget Tracker - Web Application


Budget Tracker - Web Application

.Net Core 7 / Angular 14 / Tailwind.css


This application serves as a comprehensive financial management tool, empowering users to efficiently handle their budgets while providing insightful visualizations of their financial status. Users can register securely, create, view, edit, and delete budgets on a monthly basis. The application offers a clear visual representation of income, expenses, and savings, facilitating informed decision-making. Additionally, users can manage their profiles, updating their credentials as needed.
The application is developed using Angular 14 for the client-facing interface, Microsoft .NET Core 7 for the server-side framework, and Tailwind CSS for design. Angular ensures swift rendering and efficiency in single-page applications, enhancing user experience. ASP.NET Core adds robustness to the server-side architecture, simplifying data interaction and reducing development time. Tailwind CSS offers a flexible styling approach, resulting in a visually appealing and responsive design.
The deployment process involves building and compressing the Angular application and Dotnet server files. These compressed files are dockerized within a Linux server environment using Docker containers. Finally, the application is deployed to Fly.io, a cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider, ensuring seamless delivery and scalability.
Testers can sign on as the guest user by clicking on "Guest User" or "Register for a New Account." on the sign in page.


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